Jackie Schoettle
Youth Gardening Site

Here you will find fun links for the kids,
with heartfelt thanks to Lori Levy for all her hard work finding these sources.

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Flower Resources



red headed farmer with rake

A good site for math homework - 1st grade through college.
An amusement park of math

There are many opportunities available for kids to become involved
with plants, gardens, or the outdoors in general.

This site contains ideas for gardening with kid.


    Ideas for families and kids
sponsored by Disney


Flower Projects

Girl with gardening tools and plant.

A good site for math homework - 1st grade through college

Try telling some jokes to your friends and family

many different colored crayons





monarch caterpillar eating a milkweed leaf


The monarch butterflies that hatch in the spring and summer only live for a few weeks.

The ones that hatch in midsummer
are the ones that migrate.

They live 8-9 month.

About 100 million monarchs migrate each year.

Monarchs can cluster together and thousands
of them cling to one tree.

Some monarchs fly as high as 2,000 feet.

Sometimes they fly up to 12 miles an hour
and almost 100 miles in one day.

A monarch can have a wing spread
of 3 1/2 inches.


monarch butterfly


            SET UP AN ANT FARM..................................

An ant


2 wide-mouthed plastic
jars that fit closely, one inside the other
Sandy soil
Sponge Bottle cap
Corn syrup
String Plastic wrap
Rubber bands
Black paper

Place the small plastic jar inside the larger one and fill the narrow gap
between the two with the sandy soil.
Wet the sponge and place it in the smaller jar, along with the bottle cap filled with corn syrup.
Dangle several lengths of string from the soil in he larger jar to the bottom of he small jar
so the ants can reach their food and water supply.
Now, check around your neighborhood for ants. You'll need to find several dozen.
Be careful, as certain ants do bite!

When you find the ants, put down a sheet of paper with a drop of corn syrup on it.
When the ants are on the paper, quickly transfer them to the jar.
Cover the mouth of the jar with plastic wrap with pinholes poked through secured with a rubber band. Wrap black paper around the jar secured with another rubber band
to keep the ant farm dark. Remove he black paper in a day
or two and you should see the beginnings of a network of tunnels.
Add more syrup and water as needed. When you're finished observing the ants,
release them back to where you found them.

                                                         Family Fun Magazine, Sept. 2001



Take two empty toilet paper rolls and glue them together.
If the eye pieces are too close together for your little one,
try gluing something between the two rolls... a piece of a
sponge is one idea. You may also have to wrap the rolls
together with construction paper, tape,
or yarn to hold them in place.




pink and blue socks


Choose a pair of socks that you won't mind getting dirty.

Dampen the bottoms and help your child pull them
over his feet (or shoes).
Walk with your preschooler over dry grass
& weeds (to ensure quicker results, toss grass seeds in a designated area).

When the sock bottoms are covered with dirt, seeds, and grass, remove them carefully
Cover the bottom of an aluminum loaf pan
with potting soil and place your socks in the pan (dirty sides up);
lightly cover them with 1 inch of soil.

Label a wooden craft stick "My Sock Garden," place it in the dirt, and set the pan by a sunny window.
Make sure you water it daily and watch for the seeds to sprout.
source: Sesame Street Parents, April 2000

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